Een ogenblik geduld a.u.b.

About this site

The information on this website is provided by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) on behalf of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (I&W).

Dashboard Electric Vehicles

The Dashboard Electric Vehicles monitors the progress of electrifying the Dutch vehicle fleet. This goal was established in the National Climate Agreement, which, for example, stipulates that 100% of new passenger car sales must be emission-free by 2030. The dashboard is updated monthly. In addition to the dashboard, more detailed datasets are available, allowing you to create your own tables and charts using the module (Swing) Viewer. You can access this tool by clicking on the detailed charts.

The data used for the dashboard is sourced from the Netherlands Vehicle Authority (RDW) and processed by RVO.

For the figures on charging stations, data from Eco-Movement is used. For content-related questions, you can contact

Dashboard Charging Infrastructure*

The Dashboard Charging Infrastructure provides monitoring for the National Charging Infrastructure Agenda (NAL). The NAL ensures that the development of charging infrastructure in the Netherlands aligns with the rollout of all types of electric transport. This allows all electric vehicle users to charge their vehicles safely, intelligently, and at any time, anywhere.

Most figures in the dashboard are updated monthly, while some are updated quarterly or annually. The data sources are listed for each figure. More information about the NAL can be found at Nationale Agenda Laadinfrastructuur | Nationale Agenda Laadinfrastructuur.

 * This dashboard is currently only available in Dutch.